
No matter how ugly the world may be, there is always beauty to be found in truth.

The Zeeranim, proud peoples of the desert, are protected by the Ja’Akari. These warrior women live and die in service to their people, and they value above all things the beauty that is to be found in truth, no matter how painful that truth may be.

I have decided to give away one of my very few, very precious Advance Reader’s Copies of THE DRAGON’S LEGACY, signed by me and sent out into the great cold world with much love.

If you would like to read this highly anticipated book before its release in April 2017, or if you are a bibliophile who loves to collect rare signed works, this is a golden opportunity. Simply enter my Rafflecopter giveaway (here) sometime between November 17, 2016 and December 17, 2017, follow the instructions, and reply to this post with your answer to this question:

What does being a warrior mean to you?

Best of luck,
